European programmes, calls for proposals grant applications, events…
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  • TOUS
  • HORIZON 2020
  • LIFE

Webinar: Communication and Dissemination for EU Projects

Save the date: on 10 December 2020, Euronovia will organise a free webinar: “Communication and Dissemination: the ultimate starter pack for EU projects”. This one-hour online event is open to EU project managers and researchers involved in Horizon 2020 projects. Starting time: 14:00 (CET). In the programme: What do you need to know about dissemination…

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Writing a H2020 Green Deal proposal: tips and online resources

With a budget of nearly EUR 1 billion, the Green Deal call is the last H2020 call before Horizon Europe. This very competitive call aims at funding projects to drive the EU towards ecological transition while supporting European recovery. Here are some tips and sources of information to help you write and submit your EU…

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The European Working Group of Innovation Consultants’ 1st anniversary

Happy anniversary to EWGIC! One year has passed since the first informal meeting of 15 consultants during the EU R&I Days 2019, launching what has now become the European Working Group of Innovation Consultants. One year of EWGIC… and many achievements! On 24th September 2019, 15 European Innovation Consultants, including Euronovia, met in parallel of…

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European Research and Innovation Days 2020 – EU R&I Days

The European Research and Innovation Days, the Commission’s flagship event for the future of R&I, will take place from 22 to 24 September 2020. Due to COVID-19, the 2nd edition of the EU R&I Days is organised virtually! The flagship annual event for the future of R&I From 22 to 24 September 2020, the European…

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Erasmus+: an additional call for “Strategic Partnerships”

rAs the 2014-2020 programming period draws to an end, Erasmus+ will publish an additional call for proposals related to the Covid-19 crisis. Euronovia takes a look at this special call and the perspectives for the coming years. The Erasmus+ 2020 Additional Call for “Partnerships” Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport, will…

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SOLARISE: boosting solar adoption in the “two seas” region

Funded by the INTERREG programme, the SOLARISE project brings together 12 partners from France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK around a common objective: deploying solar energy solutions on a large scale in one of the most densely populated regions in Europe. The objectives of SOLARISE One of targets of the EU climate and energy…

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Horizon 2020 : 22 Energy calls for proposals currently open

22 topics of the “Secure, clean and efficient energy” Societal Challenge are currently open in various areas. With a total budget of EUR 176 millions, these Horizon 2020 calls for proposals will close on different deadlines. Euronovia, your expert consultant in Energy calls for proposals, has developed a special offer to assist project coordinators in their H2020…

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EU Green Deal: one billion euros in the forthcoming H2020 call for proposals

The Horizon 2020 call for proposals linked to the Green Deal priorities will open in September 2020, with a total budget of more than €1 billion on 11 thematic areas. The Green Deal for Europe The “European Green Deal” was presented for the first time in December 2019 by Ursula Von der Leyen, President of…

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Covid-19: exceptional measures for the 2020 LIFE call for proposals

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission has taken 9 measures to ease the conditions for access and participation to the 2020 call for proposals of the LIFE programme. What is the LIFE programme? Created in 1992, LIFE is the European Commission’s main funding programme for Environment and Climate. The current 2014-2020 programming period…

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#EUvsVirus: the Pan-European Hackathon against COVID-19

From 24 to 26 April 2020, the European Commission organised the EUvsVirus hackathon to tackle challenges related to the COVID-19 sanitary crisis. With over 20.000 participants, it came out as the biggest Pan-European hackathon ever organised… and Euronovia was involved! What is the The EUvsVirus hackaton? The Pan-European hackathon EUvsVirus took place from the 24th…

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