Objective Green Deal: the hackathon for a greener Europe

On 12 and 13 February 2021, the European Commission organised the “Objectif Green Deal” Hackathon open to 18-30 year olds in France. The challenge: inform the population about the EU Green Deal for Europe. With more than 140 participants and 47 projects submitted in 24 hours, Euronovia participated and even won 3rd prize!

The #ObjectifGreenDeal hackathon in a nutshell

The Objective Green Deal hackathon, organised by the European Commission, took place on 12 and 13 February 2021. The aim of this 24-hour challenge: to develop innovative projects to inform citizens about the Green Deal. The objective was to answer the 3 following questions:

  • How to communicate on this initiative?
  • And with which tools?
  • How to involve citizens?

As a reminder, the European Union has the ambition to become the first climate neutral continent by 2050. This is why the Commission has proposed a plan to achieve this objective: the EU Green Deal.

There were six criteria for evaluating the projects:

  • Response to the problem – The degree to which the proposed solution provided information on the Green Deal,
  • Innovation – The assessment of the novelty of the concept, the creativity of the project as a whole,
  • Potential reach – Will the solution reach its target audience?
  • Technical feasibility – Is the solution feasible?
  • Impact – What is the level of information provided by the solution ? What impact will it have on the public (level of awareness)? Is the experience positive?
  • Level of maturity – How much more work would need to be done to make this prototype a functional product?

Participants had to form teams of up to 5 people to submit a project. The hackathon took place in two stages: first, a pre-selection of 15 finalists and then a 4-minute pitch to the evaluators.

In the end, there were more than 140 participants and 47 projects submitted in 24 hours!

Euronovia, 3rd prize winner

The 3 best selected projects have been awarded (1st prize: €1,200, 2nd prize: €500 and 3rd prize: €300) and will have the opportunity to be supported by the European Commission.

The award ceremony took place on the same day as the pitch presentations, i.e. Saturday 13 February 2021 at 7.30 pm.

It is with the project “A sailing boat for Europe” that the team including a consultant from Euronovia won the third prize of the competition. Our project is an eco-designed sailboat, which would make stopovers along the EU’s coastal towns, organising events linked to each territorial issue, to enable local anchoring and raise awareness about the EU Green Deal among as many people as possible.

The first winner is a project entitled “The Yuka for a neutral Europe“. Its objective is to create a euro-score used by the Yuka application, e-commerce sites and comparators to determine whether a product meets the objectives of the Green Deal.

In second place: the “MOOC: Green Deal” project, which enables users to find out more about the Green Deal and get a certification at the end of the training.