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- HORIZON 2020
#EUvsVirus: the Pan-European Hackathon against COVID-19
From 24 to 26 April 2020, the European Commission organised the EUvsVirus hackathon to tackle challenges related to the COVID-19 sanitary crisis. With over 20.000 participants, it came out as the biggest Pan-European hackathon ever organised… and Euronovia was involved! What is the The EUvsVirus hackaton? The Pan-European hackathon EUvsVirus took place from the 24th…
BBI JU Call: 16 funding opportunities in the field of bioindustries
The 7th BBI JU call for proposals (Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking) is open from 15 April to 3 September 2020. A total budget of EUR 102 million will fund 16 research and innovation topics in the field of bioindustries. The BBI JU in a nutshell Launched in 2014, the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking is a…
COVID-19: European consultants call for measures for the EIC Accelerator programme
The European Working Group of Innovation Consultants (EWGIC), in which Euronovia actively participates, has released recommendations on the EIC Accelerator programme, deeply affected by the unprecedented crisis linked to COVID-19. COVID-19: the EIC Accelerator on the edge of breaking down The last EIC Accelerator call closed in March 2020. The deadline was postponed by 2…
COVID-19: Which impact on European projects?
To contain the Coronavirus pandemic, most European countries have enforced strict border shutdown and lockdown measures. European projects, which involve regular travels across Europe, are deeply affected. Cancelled events, closed infrastructures, postponed calls… How to minimize the COVID-19 crisis for your projects? Calls for proposals: extension of deadlines The European Commission postponed most deadlines foreseen…
Looking back at 2019: the best of Euronovia!
As 2019 is coming to an end, let’s have a look on some of Euronovia’s achievements over the last 12 months: two new Horizon 2020 projects, recruitments, new partnerships… and great successes for EU projects in response to calls for proposals. Check out our highlights of the year! 2 new Horizon 2020 projects Since 1…
SFERA-III: Transnational access to solar facilities
The H2020 SFERA-III project, in which Euronovia is a partner, offers free access for researchers to 47 installations in the field of Concentrated Solar Power across Europe. The 2nd campaign for transnational access is open until January 31, 2020. SFERA-III: Research infrastructures in Concentrated Solar Power SFERA-III (Solar Facilities for the European Research Area) is…
Focus: Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020
With a total budget of over €1.2 billion for 2018-2020, the H2020 Research Infrastructures Programme aims to support scientific excellence in Europe. The new INFRAIA calls for proposals open on 28 November 2019. Research Infrastructures in a nutshell As part of the “Scientific Excellence” pillar of Horizon 2020, the Research Infrastructure Programme targets three central…
Erasmus+: Opening of the European Universities call for 2020
Funded under the Erasmus+ programme, the European Universities initiative aims to create transnational alliances of higher education institutions across the EU. The 2nd call for pilot projects is open from 7 November 2019 to 26 February 2020 with a total budget of EUR 120 million. What are the aims of European Universities? Launched in 2019,…
H2020: Funding opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities in 2020
Horizon 2020 offers numerous funding opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), especially through the “Inclusive Societies” societal challenge. However, SSH related topics can be found many other calls! In our blog: a panorama of the SSH calls for proposals for 2020. Societal challenge 6: Europe in a changing world: Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies…
Horizon 2020 : 26 Energy calls for proposals currently open
26 topics of the “Secure, clean and efficient energy” Societal Challenge are currently open in various areas. With a total budget of 380 M€, these Horizon 2020 calls for proposals will close on different deadlines. Euronovia, your expert consultant in Energy calls for proposals, has developed a special offer to assist project coordinators in their…
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