Our mission
- Euronovia is dedicated to supporting high-impact projects, directly linked to major international challenges, such as climate change, energy transition, environmental challenges and health.
- For nearly ten years, we have been supporting, advising and accompanying a diversity of project leaders (researchers, start-ups, SMEs, associations, innovation agencies, local authorities, universities, etc.) to help them better fit their project with the specific context of the European Union and its funding mechanisms.
- Among the key themes, we can mention: climate, environment, biodiversity or energy, as well as human sciences, with the objective to better understand and explain the world of the future.
- Euronovia's specificity: we work exclusively in a collaborative mode to co-design projects. We always favour a supporting and accompanying role, complementing the researchers or the existing teams in place.
- Support for the definition of the project's concept, objectives, results and impacts, support for writing and formatting. We work hand-in-hand with the research teams, we help them enhance their project, present their arguments, make it clear for the eyes of the decision-makers, as well as transcribe it into the language and expectations of the funder.
We bridge the gap between the R&I teams and the European programs.
Our convictions
Created and managed by Virginie Robin since 2014, Euronovia's action is based on the convictions of its founder, including:

- The importance of Europe
Europe is both an opportunity and a springboard for us: an opportunity for peace, freedom and mobility for all... and a facilitator for the world of research and innovation! The European Union funds the most ambitious program in the world in terms of research and innovation. We are doing our utmost to ensure that every project leader has access to it, in the interest of all.

- The need for innovation
Because investing in innovation also means investing in the future of Europe and its citizens. Adaptation to climate change, protection of biodiversity, successful energy transition, innovation is of course essential to build the answers to the major challenges of today. Helping R&I actors to access the funding they need to go further also means encouraging the emergence of innovative solutions.

- The need for knowledge sharing
The democratisation of science brings science closer to the citizens, and thus provides everyone with the keys to understanding, deciding and acting fairly. At Euronovia, we believe in the need for research, but also in the need to communicate ideas, projects, advances, and results of research and innovation. We are proud to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge thanks to high-impact projects, focusing for instance on solar energy, waste heat recovery in industries, the development of new technologies for floating wind turbines, the protection of oceans and biodiversity or - more globally - the fight against climate change.

- The urgent need to support women entrepreneurship
This is especially true in the world of innovation, as only 15% of deep tech start-ups were founded or co-founded by women, while - even today - only 2% of venture capital goes to female-led teams and 5% to mixed teams.
Broadening the base of researchers, allowing women to find their way and live their dreams, is urgent to develop the vitality of the world of innovation, multiplying the actors, the approaches ... and the opportunities for success!