Managing the last week before the project submission

You’ve spent several months preparing your European project (Horizon Europe, LIFE, Interreg, etc.) and the submission date is fast approaching! This final week is a crucial stage that can sometimes prove trying. Here are 10 tips for managing this final stretch calmly and efficiently.


Our advice for managing the last week before submitting your European project


Check that the project meets all the European Commission’s expectations

  • Reread the call for projects. Did you analyse the call for projects in depth when you started putting your project together, but haven’t gone back to it for several weeks? Reread the call for projects and check that your project meets the expected outcomes and scope set out in it.
  • Check the conditions of the call. Application file, number of pages, maximum budget, specific annexes to be included, or any other special conditions… It’s best to make sure that you haven’t missed out on certain conditions of the call!

Organising proof-reading

  • Internal review. Give the consortium a few days to proofread the project, in order to correct any final errors, make any final improvements, and ensure that all the partners approve the project that is going to be submitted.
  • Have your project proof-read by external people. An external review is crucial to give your project every chance of success. This external viewpoint will enable you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal, any inconsistencies and suggest areas for improvement that could be decisive.

Formatting your project

  • Improve the graphic appearance of your project. Make it easier for the expert evaluators to read your project and propose a project that is light and easy to read! Include diagrams and tables to make your project easier to understand.

Validate administrative and financial information

  • Validate Part A online. Abstract, keywords, information on partners, ethics, security… Appoint someone to be in charge of Part A, who will be able to check that everything is complete. Finally, have the Part A validated by the project partners.
  • Check the budget one last time. To ensure that no errors have crept into the budget tables, check that the financial information for Part A online and Part B are consistent. Send it to the partners for final approval!

Submit with peace of mind

  • Submit before D-day. Any version submitted will overwrite the previous version, so submit a first version of the project a few days before the deadline, to avoid technical problems due to the rush on the day of a deadline.
  • Download the submitted project. Download the SEP document that will be generated once the proposal has been submitted. It will contain the entire proposal (Part A, Part B, appendices). You should also keep a copy of the Word version of the submitted project, as you may find it useful during the contractualisation phase.


Would you like the support of an expert to set up or review your project? Euronovia can help you set up European projects (Horizon Europe, LIFE, Interreg, etc.) and provide final reviews.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more!